Switched output format type from cfile to cpanfile
midgen -f cpanfile
Thanks for the kick Miyagawa++
Switched output format type from cfile to cpanfile
midgen -f cpanfile
Thanks for the kick Miyagawa++
cpanfile output format, prereqs (requires, recommends, on test, on develop)
midgen -lf cfile
Here is a sample, with cpanfile and dist-zilla plugins, see wiki for more examples.
First I would like to say a big Thank You for all the critiques I received, here and in the channels.
Food for thought, if we update our Modules, don’t we want our users to use the current version, so should we not by default do the same with others Modules. Thus we always show the current version number, regardless.
This is an aid to present a packages module requirements by scanning the package, then displaying in a familiar format with the current version number from CPAN.
This started out as a way of generating the core for a Module::Install::DSL Makefile.PL, why DSL because it’s nice and clean, so now you can generate the contents and check when you want, yes it’s another PPI powered app.
A reminder of what I hacked, and where it came from :)