The Musings of a Dyslexic Technologist

A blogging framework for bowtie.

App::Midgen, What is it?

This is an aid to present a packages module requirements by scanning the package, then displaying in a familiar format with the current version number from CPAN.

This started out as a way of generating the core for a Module::Install::DSL Makefile.PL, why DSL because it’s nice and clean, so now you can generate the contents and check when you want, yes it’s another PPI powered app.

All output goes to STDOUT, so you can use it as you see fit.

CPAN Version Number Displayed

  • NN.nnnnnn we got the current version number from CPAN (numify)
  • undef no version number returned by CPAN
  • core indicates the module is a perl core module
  • !cpan must be local, one of yours. Not in CPAN, Not in core.

Food for thought, if we update our Modules, don’t we want our users to use the current version, so should we not by default do the same with others Modules. Thus we always show the current version number, regardless.

We also display some other info to complement the modules we have found.

For more info and sample output see wiki

Change to the root of the package you want to scan and run

midgen [options]

—help —output —core —verbose —parent —mojo —noisy_children —twins —zero —debug