_  _
      _____  ___| || |
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    $ midgen -f infile
    Running midgen v0.34
    Stamped -> 2014-11-07T20:43:16Z
    Package: Anamal

     | Module                | Version  | Installed | Found in           |
     | Anamal                | 0        | Missing   | script/go.pl       |
     | Anamal                | 0        | Missing   | t/00.load.t        |
     | Archive::Zip          | 0        | 1.39      | t/par.t            |
     | Archive::Zip          | 0        | 1.39      | t/par.t            |
     | Bar                   | 0.2      | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Baz                   | 0.000001 | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Carp                  | 0        | 1.3301    | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Carp::Always::Color   | 0        | 0.07      | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Compiler::Lexer       | 0        | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Cwd                   | 0        | 3.47      | t/par.t            |
     | Cwd                   | 0        | 3.47      | t/par.t            |
     | Data::Printer         | 0        | 0.35      | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | DistGen               | 0        | Missing   | t/par.t            |
     | English               | 0        | 1.09      | t/pod-coverage.t   |
     | English               | 0        | 1.09      | t/666-tmw.t        |
     | File::Spec::Functions | 0        | 3.47      | t/par.t            |
     | FindBin               | 0        | 1.51      | script/go.pl       |
     | Foo                   | 0.123456 | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | List::Util            | 0        | 1.41      | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | MBTest                | 0        | Missing   | t/par.t            |
     | Moo                   | 1.000    | 1.006001  | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Moo                   | 0.888    | 1.006001  | lib/Plugin/Cat.pm  |
     | Moo::Role             | 0.999    | 1.006001  | lib/Plugin/Dog.pm  |
     | PAR::Dist             | 0        | 0.49      | t/par.t            |
     | PAR::Dist             | 0.17     | 0.49      | t/par.t            |
     | PPI::XS               | 0        | 0.902     | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Params::Util          | 0        | 1.07      | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | String::RewritePrefix | 0.005    | 0.007     | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Test::Mock::LWP       | 0        | Missing   | t/00.load.t        |
     | Test::Mock::LWP       | 0.06     | Missing   | t/666-tmw.t        |
     | Test::More            | 0        | 1.001009  | t/pod-coverage.t   |
     | Test::More            | 0        | 1.001009  | t/666-tmw.t        |
     | Test::More            | 0        | 1.001009  | t/00.load.t        |
     | Test::More            | 0.98     | 1.001009  | t/pod.t            |
     | Test::Pod             | 1.14     | 1.48      | t/pod.t            |
     | Test::Pod::Coverage   | 1.08     | 1.10      | t/pod-coverage.t   |
     | Test::Requires        | 0        | 0.08      | t/pod-coverage.t   |
     | Types::Standard       | 0        | 1.000004  | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | Win32::API            | 0        | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | X                     | 0        | Missing   | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | lib                   | 0        | 0.63      | script/go.pl       |
     | lib                   | 0        | 0.63      | t/par.t            |
     | perl                  | v5.10.0  | 5.020000  | lib/Anamal.pm      |
     | perl                  | 5.010001 | 5.020000  | script/go.pl       |
     | strict                | 0        | 1.08      | script/go.pl       |
     | strict                | 0        | 1.08      | t/666-tmw.t        |
     | strict                | 0        | 1.08      | t/par.t            |
     | strict                | 0        | 1.08      | t/pod-coverage.t   |
     | warnings              | 0        | 1.23      | script/go.pl       |
     | warnings              | 0        | 1.23      | t/666-tmw.t        |
     | warnings              | 0        | 1.23      | t/pod-coverage.t   |

    I just spent 3s doing all that, for you, enjoy

4ROR -> an oxygen atom connected to two alkyl - of general formula R-O-R - (ether)